The first K2 certification class is in the books! Xitron dealers spent last week with our product development team here in Ann Arbor, getting qualified to install and train K2. (See the previous blog post for a detailed product description.) The response from our visitors was overwhelmingly positive and it appears all are ready to hit the ground running.
Unsolicited and off-the-cuff comments I overheard included, “powerful,” “affordable,” and “easy to learn and use.” This was greatly reassuring for our team, as we feel these are touch points for our target audience of XMF, Prinergy, Sierra, Rampage (yes, it’s still in use in some shops), and Apogee installations.
Combining a full-featured workflow and professional installation with finance options such as 12-months, same as cash and multi-year, $1.00 buy-out leases means we can make it painless for users to transition from their existing platforms. It also allows them to move into a system that will stay on the cutting edge for years, maximizing their ROI. We are extremely excited about this prospect.
Now, our focus is on European certification beginning February 11 in Ghent, Belgium. Already signed up are elite dealers from Belgium, Bulgaria, France, Germany, Italy, Spain, and Turkey. It will be a challenge, but once completed, K2 will be available for sale to printers looking to move beyond the aged, high maintenance (costs), under-performing, or forced subscription models with which they’ve struggled for the last few years.
If this describes your prepress department, now is the time to find authorized K2 dealers in your country or region. A quick stop here is all you need. After that, we can schedule an online demonstration so you can experience the power and flexibility K2 can bring.
Onward and upward!